graviera (gruyere) cheese from fresh, local sheep and goat milk
The idea for the lazareto was to make a strong, spicy, yellow cheese, similar to but different from the classic Greek graviera.
The name lazareto brings memories of Greece, since every island of the Ionian Sea has one in the port. The same is true of Italy, which has inspired Ithaca in the field of taste.
Lazareto is different from the typical graviera cheese. Once again, I was inspired by nature. I wanted to make a different cheese and combine it with local herbs.
The testing process lasted a long time. I collected over 100 herbs from Ithaca and I tried combining them in many different ways. This process resulted in 6 different cheeses, so similar in base, but so different in flavor.
plain, with sapsicho, trivoli, kritamo, ginger, with a seaweed coating.
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